4 Top Mushrooms dual extracted powder 40g
Equal parts dual extracted Reishi, King Trumpet, Lion’s mane and Chaga
Reishi Powder
Immune system boosting
Fights fatigue and depression
Blood sugar control
Heart Health
Anti cancer properties
- Sleep
Lion’s Mane Powder
Immune system boosting
Protects against dementia
Relieves symptoms of depression and anxiety
Repairs nervous system
Protects against ulcers in the digestive tract
protects against heart disease
King Oyster Powder
- Prevent osteoporosis and arthritis.
- Boost vitamin D levels.
- Help maintain blood pressure.
- Lower bad cholesterol levels.
- May prevent anemia.
- Rich in antioxidants.
- Provide protection against cancer.
Chaga Powder
Nutrient-dense superfood
Lowering cholesterol
Preventing and fighting cancer
Lowering blood pressure
Supporting the immune system
Fighting inflammation
Lowering blood sugar
- Boost bone mineral density.
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Flat rate shipping in Canada of $2.00 per package.
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